Portfolio / FENZ Taumarunui Fire Station

For many years, the Taumarunui Fire Brigade served out of a Council owned building, In 2013, the New Zealand Fire Service embarked on building a new facility to meet ever changing operational needs.
With the community heritage fire station decommissioned from service, the volunteer fire service in Taumarunui required a new station that housed three operational vehicles, associated training facilities and a small gym. The unique aspect of this build included a museum for the Taumarunui Fire Station’s historical fire truck.
Situated on a corner site, this new facility incorporated garaging for 2 appliances plus a support vehicle, operational spaces, amenities, training facilities, transitional wash area and a separate shed to house the historical fire appliance.
The site was remediated with 2 metres of compacted gravel raft to allow the formation of a new structure to meet today’s structural codes.
Situated in the Taumarunui township, this corrugated and cedar weatherboard clad facility sits in harmony with its neighbouring build mix of offices and dwellings.