Portfolio / Redwood Fire Station, Christchurch

The Christchurch rebuild is the most significant rebuild undertaking in Fire and Emergency New Zealand's history, with all stations throughout the network being redeveloped. Locations reflect optimal response times, population movement, and estimated growth. The proposed Redwood Fire Station site has been optimally located for serving this expanding community and responding to population changes in this catchment.
Currently under construction and due for completion mid-2019, the proposed facility will house the fire appliance and crew currently located at the St Albans, Christchurch. Facilities provided include garaging for 2 appliances and accommodation for 6 full time firefighters. Additional supporting spaces include gym facilities, breathing apparatus recommissioning facilities and integration of the new ‘dirty to clean’ wash areas.
Clad in a combination of prefinished materials with accents of cedar, the resulting imagery is sympathetic to its’ residential surroundings in both scale, form and materiality.
Carefully considered landscaping provides visual amenity in keeping with the future residential area and mitigate any visual effects on the surrounding environment, whilst also ensure a pleasant working environment for fire service staff.